Once you create a website and want to make it available to users then the basic thing to do is to broadcast it through web hosting. This article will explain, what is web hosting? and what are the types of hosting? To help you choose the right and secure web host for your business.
What is Web Hosting
Web hosting services allow Internet users to view your website on the Internet. A web host is the one that provides server space to store your computer files which is further connected to a swift network. In order to view your website, a user just simply types your web address on their browser and the Internet will connect to the server, owning your webpage, which makes the user access your website. As a result, the user now can candidly surf your website.
There are many web hosting service providers ready to offer their services, either free or paid. The hosting companies asks you to own a domain name, that is your internet address, so that you can host with them but if you do not have one then they will make sure you buy one.
In order to meet the advanced technology standards, different types of web hosting services have been launched to host your websites. It is crucial to understand the type of service your website requires along with the type of services offered by the web host.
Mainly there are four types of web hosting services available:
- Shared Hosting
- Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting
- Dedicated Hosting
- Cloud Hosting
Shared Hosting
In shared hosting, your website is accommodated with many other websites sharing a common server. This causes a remarkable decline in the site performance as a result of being on the same server. Most website owners prefer shared hosting as it is cheap and the cost to run the server is divided among the different site owners. However, it do not provide root access and has limited ability to handle traffic levels.
Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting
A virtual private server (VPS) segregates the server into fundamental servers hence each server hosts its own website. These fundamentals servers may even be shared with some other users. The drawback is thus considered to be a slow performance due to other sites on the same server ‘root access’ to users is provided with their own server space. Such type of hosting ensures a protected hosting surrounding but there is limited capability of handling traffic spikes.
Dedicated Hosting
If you need faster performance, you can have the server’s assets entirely to yourself. This is possible if you choose dedicated hosting. It’s a good option for such websites that need eminent protection along with a great deal of system resources. The major drawback is that dedicated servers are costly as they provide superlative control and performance.
Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting is so named as it provides a group of servers called a Cloud who work as a team to host a bundle of websites. Doing so, it offers endless ability to control high traffic levels or spikes. It allows numerous servers to perform together for a specific website. However, Cloud hosting does not provide root access and is expensive as well.
Web hosting services allow organizations to post websites on the Internet. There are four types of web hosting services from which you may choose the one which seem the most relevant for your business. As hundreds of web companies are contesting for your business with thousands of spectacular web hosting plans, one can get a little confused. With the rising trend of online business, the web hosting needs are also increasing. The more secure a web hosting plan you opt for, the more expensive it may get but it will prove fruitful for your security.
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About the Author
Rutaba Rais is Editor at Be Encrypted with focus on Technology and Internet Security. Apart from her Healthcare background, she has interests in Lifestyle, Journalism, and expressing her opinion by her writing. You can follow her on Twitter.
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