How Has The Evolving Nature Of Bluetooth Hacks Impacted Cybersecurity?

Last updated: August 9, 2023 Reading time: 5 minutes
How Has The Evolving Nature Of Bluetooth Hacks Impacted Cybersecurity?

Despite the cybersecurity world brimming with articles about the latest developments in modern cybersecurity tools, the most notable ones being artificial intelligence and machine learning- we’d like to take a step back into the basics and talk about Bluetooth for once.

Nowadays, most of us tend to look down on Bluetooth as a vestigial feature that we only ever turn to if we have no other alternative to share media. On the contrary, however, this devil-may-care attitude has elevated the status of Bluetooth to something so commonplace to the modern user of technology.

Unfortunately, despite the prevalence of Bluetooth, only a select few users understand how the technology works. An even more limited number of individuals realize the security risks associated with Bluetooth-enabled devices. Even more alarming is that as the cybercrimes associated with Bluetooth grow increasingly complex, it often leads to unprecedented impacts on an organization’s cybersecurity infrastructure since most CISOs and CSOs ignore the warning signs.

Before we can analyze the ways the evolving nature of Bluetooth hacks has impacted cybersecurity, we’d like to bring our readers up to mark some of the threats facing Bluetooth threats.