Editorial team

Since 2011, Beencrypted has been an honorable and authentic source of insight into the world of information security. Our editorial content consists of reviews, opinion pieces, and in-depth news analyses from industry experts. 


Beencrypted is also a key learning source for industry professionals. Its free educational material can be found in the form of encryption guides that are carefully created to enlighten its readers. All the editorial works presented over BeEncrypted are insightful and well-researched, available due to the dedication of its resilient editorial team. 

Hasnain Khalid

Web Content Manager


Iam Waqas



Rebecca James

Content Researcher & Producer

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Shigraf Aijaz

Editor & Writer


Farwa Sajjad

Content Producer


Zehra Ali

Content Producer

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Rutaba Aziz

Content Producer


News Reporter

Content Producer