Turkey To Boycott iPhone And US Electronics – Are They Hurting Themselves?

Last updated: July 5, 2023 Reading time: 2 minutes

On Tuesday, the Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan proclaimed that the electronic products from the United States will be banned. He mainly emphasizes on the boycott of Apple iPhone saying, “If they have iPhone, there is Samsung on the other side. We have Vestel Venuüs in our country.”

The announcement from Erdogan was in a reaction to US President Donald Trump’s new tariffs on the country making a great downfall to the Turkish currency, Lira.

He has specifically favored the use of the South Korean brand, Samsung or Turkey’s own brand, Vestle. However, this is still unclear that how the country will implement the restriction knowing the large market of iPhone in Turkey as reported by the Associated Press.

So far, there are no comments regarding the News from Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Apple or White House. But, it is a general presume that the ban will have more effect on Turkey as compared to Apple.

According to the Mashable news, 2.08 % of the smartphone users in Turkey have Vestle, however, 17.41 % Turkish residents owned Apple iPhone. On the other hand, the iPhone market is really vast, comprising of 700 million users all around the world. This proportion is really high as compared to the iPhone users in Turkey which is just 7.15 million (almost 1.02 percent of total).

Therefore, it is believed that the sanction will impact more to Apple if it is from China or US which are the main markets of their product.

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Zehra Ali is a Tech Reporter and Journalist. She has done her Masters in Mass Communication. Topics related to cybersecurity, IoT, AI, Big Data and other privacy matters are extensively covered by her on various platforms. You can follow her on twitter.

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