4 Best Practices When Implementing Cloud Data Security And Protection

Last updated: April 8, 2024 Reading time: 4 minutes
Cloud Data Security

Businesses are using the cloud to store data and run daily operations more than ever. There’s much to be said in favor of the cloud. The infrastructure is cost-effective, scales easily as a business grows, and companies do not have to invest in non-core resources.

However, outsourcing infrastructure to a cloud service provider brings security concerns. Cloud data security and protection is challenging to ensure at the best of times. How can companies ensure their data is always secure and not vulnerable to exploitation?

Here are four best practices to follow to ensure optimal cloud data security.

Leverage Encryption

Encryption must be a standard practice in every organization’s cybersecurity posture. Encryption renders sensitive data unreadable to unauthorized users. Typically companies focus on encrypting data at rest. For instance, when data is viewed by an unauthorized entity, encryption modules scramble or mask data.