9 Top Instagram Scams and How to Stay Protected Against Them?

Last updated: July 5, 2023 Reading time: 11 minutes
Top Instagram Scams and How to Stay Protected Against Them?

Online scams take place all over social media, and Instagram’s popularity also has made it an ideal platform for scammers. Scammers are always looking for potential targets on Instagram because it’s a hub for people, influencers, and businesses that rely on it as a key source of their income.

Instagram scams have become a norm, and there’s a drastic increase in the number of these scams. A report found that Instagram scams rose to 155% in 12 months as of March 2023.

As online scammers learn new tactics to infiltrate your account, keeping updated about Instagram scams and ways to avoid them is essential for all users. Read on and learn about the top Instagram scams, signs to spot them, and the actions required to reduce the risk of getting scammed.

Top Instagram Scams

Online fraudsters use various methods and tactics to exploit the Instagram app. They do all this to compromise users’ sensitive data and accounts and grab money from them. Instagram scams come in various forms, and the most common types are as follows: