What Is Encryption: How Does It Work - Complete Guide

Last updated: April 20, 2024 Reading time: 14 minutes
What Is Encryption: How Does It Work - Complete Guide

Our data is of particular importance to the government and cybercriminals alike. While cybercriminals tend to acquire this data through unlawful means such as hack attacks, malware invasions, or phishing attacks, the government tracks you through your ISPs.

Along with that are the advertisers who fervently steal our information through cookies and trackers. There is no hesitation in saying that our online presence is under constant vigilance. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure data protection, and the best possible way to do that is simply to encrypt your data.

What is Data Encryption

Data encryption is a process that helps us to protect data by converting it into data into an unreadable format using different devices and techniques. The converted text is known as “ciphertext,” which ensures data integrity. The ciphertext is transformed into a readable format through a decryption key. Ciphers can be of many types, like block ciphers that convert text into a fixed-sized message, stream ciphers that generate a continuous stream of symbols, etc.

Converting data into ciphertext, which is only accessible through a specific decryption key, ensures data integrity. Since the data is converted into an unreadable format with encryption, it eliminates the chances of data snooping or data theft.