DNS Leak Testing Tools EXPOSED - Tools That Misleading Users

Last updated: March 31, 2024 Reading time: 7 minutes
DNS Leak Testing Tools

In this article, we will disclose the actual DNS leak test tools that mislead or misguide users in understanding the actual stats behind DNS Leaks. But fundamental DNS leak testing tools that work perfectly and reveal the facts are available. However, few other top-ranked tools show the actual figure but play with users’ concerns with misleading textual facts and selling their services.

Fortunately, you could easily distinguish the authentic tools by judging the displayed stats and DNS leak facts. When you run the DNS test with a VPN connection, the displayed information should be of your VPN provider. Yet, your DNS leaks if you see any actual stat like your ISP server or real IP.

Brief Outline

DNS or Domain Name System is the same as the directory for the internet in your system. Through DNS servers, the web addresses are changed from phrases into the IP form, and then you are displayed with your requested web page.