Top 15 Cybersecurity News Sources For IT Security Professionals

Last updated: March 27, 2024 Reading time: 8 minutes
15 Cybersecurity News Sources

The world of cybersecurity is continuing to evolve at warp speed. We face new daily threats, and scenarios never considered are becoming a reality. One of the best ways for IT security professionals to protect their assets is to stay on top of the security news through blogs and other relevant sources. It is essential to keep current daily.

1. Krebs on Security

Brian Krebs has long been a leader in the realm of computer security. He uses his blog to do just that. He leverages his experience as a reporter for the Washington Post, where he was a prolific poster in the publication’s “Security Fix” section.

Cybercrime is a niche that frequently appears on his site. The goal is to help the IT pros defuse any threats before they become realities. Many followers respect his talent as a writer, and he has front-page stories and covers pieces with the Washington Post to his credit. Krebs should be added to your bookmarks.

2. We Live in Security

Amassing nearly 2 million followers has to say something about an online source.

Almost every organization and company worldwide has chosen to rely on WeLiveSecurity. They have the information that others want. When it comes to the cybersecurity field, it means they have credibility.

With an average of 8 weekly posts, systems and network administrators can trust that they will have an update to review almost daily. Topics range across the spectrum: news, research, cyber threats, malware, and more.

3. Schneier

Bruce Schneier has long been a trusted name for understanding the IT security problems of the modern day. He is recognized by many as a guru. He is also one whose papers are read by many as they work towards a degree.

His topics range from simple to highly complex thesis papers. Articles are released about once per day. He also has several published books.

4. Dark Reading

The internet has continued to develop deeper recesses and dark corners. Things like enterprise ransomware and stolen data by hackers are a nearly everyday occurrence. A mass of cybercriminals gathers to organize their next attack.

DarkReading looks into these risks so that the website and email newsletter can provide IT security professionals with necessary cybersecurity news. Also, the regularity of posts is higher, with about 30-35 updates being released weekly.

There are four editors. Also, a myriad of contributors represent all types of companies and organizations. It is a great way to monitor our community’s latest black hat news.

5. Naked Security

Sophos delivers another online computer security publication with a wealth of knowledge. It is released at about the same regularity as #4 above. Sophos has been around for a generation as a British security firm. They have several products in both the software and hardware marketplaces.

They have widely known products like their antivirus software, which helps to keep even the latest malicious code and malware from harming their customers. They also gave birth to the company ActiveState, which is about as famous as one can get in the programming language space. Some of the most novel ideas and realities make the news there. These problems might include everything from Facebook scams to talking and spying on webcams.

6. Securing Tomorrow.McAfee

McAfee is another prominent company that has been doing its best to fight viruses and malware for many years.

They are the self-proclaimed largest dedicated computer security company in the world today. They have combined Intel Security and offer this online reading material for anyone who wants to go further into the hackerspace and truly understand what the world is up against today.

They are malware experts—things like the latest Android or IOS code threats. McAfee’s security section is worth an ad so that subscribing IT security professionals can understand what their total protection virus software is achieving.

7. InfoSecurity-Magazine

Infosecurity Magazine is one of the paper publications that brings all of the experience and expertise to mailboxes around the globe. Digital versions of the magazine can be accessed, so there is no need to miss anything. They also have an online portal for all of the relevant news.

The name of the cybersecurity game is staying ahead of the curve. The topics covered here will go towards ensuring that. The hottest topics are consistently protected. These might include phishing attacks, power grid hacking, or even ATM malware that makes the machine spew cash.

8. Security Google Blog

Google’s blog is from the well-known Google search engine team. It releases posts at a less frequent rate than some of the other sites on the list, but the information they put out is generally essential cybersecurity news.

Staff software engineers are very interested in the inner workings of the popular packages the public may be using.

This includes DNS software (Dnsmasq), encryption packages, and safe browsing plugins. Safer web infrastructure is a better business for the entire company of Google. This fact is true for almost everyone else in the industry, too. It is excellent to get a glimpse at what the Google team has been up to and be able to implement some of their findings at home and work.

9. Graham Cluley

Graham Cluley is another security analyst whose notes make this list of the top sources for IT security professionals. He is a public speaker who has given many enterprise employees and company administrators a live lecture on the dangers they were facing. He was a programmer back in the early 90s. Then, his work helped produce some of the earlier versions of antivirus software before it was as common as table salt.

Sophos also gave him some of the action by taking him on as an employee. He puts out about one or two articles a day. There is another great spot on the site. It is a “Smashing Security” podcast that lets pros hear what others in the industry think and discover. A podcast is a great way to take security news, whether on the phone during a workout or in the car on the drive to work. He can even be hired to speak at the next company gathering. Management can make sure that everyone understands the objectives and goals.

10. Threat Post

Hundreds of thousands understand that ThreatPost is a credible outlet. The site releases about ten posts per week. It has readers from English-speaking countries and Russia staying tuned for revelations about IT security.

Kaspersky Labs is another dominant name in the field of software security. It is great to check in with the latest discoveries they deem worthy of public disclosure. The ThreatPost podcast is another excellent way to catch everything, even when a busy career reduces the time to research things independently. Add this one to the reading list.

11. CNET Security

It is one of the best-known names in terms of general technology news. They have a related television channel, a Facebook page, and various YouTube channels. There is a plethora of info to be checked. The section of their site dedicated to information technology security is one of the most viewed.

It is cybersecurity news from various experts, with posts sent out multiple times daily. As one of the more prominent names in the industry in terms of income and revenue, they can gather what others might not be able to obtain. Those who understand what makes something great review some of the latest products and software. So, it is a great site to peruse before making purchases for a company.

12. Cyber-Ark

Cyber attacks are one of the worst nightmares of any competent IT professional. That is why CyberArk is one of the few outlets dedicated to preventing such scenarios in every way possible. Top businesses around the planet trust them for that knowledge and ability.

It may be sparsely updated compared to many other blogs on this list, but the information that gets out is valuable and motivating. Also, there are often recaps and summaries of various hacker conferences or other industry gatherings. So, if a professional cannot get a ticket and attend in person, this might be one of the best ways to keep abreast of the latest news.

13. SC Magazine

SC Media understands what cybersecurity professionals need to handle their jobs in the best way possible. That is why this portal has several different sites covering various issues. These are relevant to the everyday job of such an IT pro.

For over 25 years, the experts there have been getting the message out about what is happening in a space that can seem troubling to many. As the self-proclaimed best “Cybersecurity Source,” they have a Data Breach blog section of the site that covers everything there is to know about the latest patches, cloud security, data breaches, and more.

Subscribe and get a whitepaper. Have a news feed delivered to an email address daily so that everything arrives in one easy review spot.

14. SecurityWeek

Security Week is all about insight and analysis for those in the industry and enterprise decision-makers. Software bugs are looked into. This opens the inner workings of code, and things like open-source vulnerabilities can all be considered. That is essential information for anyone wanting to extend a platform or release software across the enterprise.

15. Veracode

Veracode understands cloud security. These experts understand how to create scalable code that can take advantage of the innovations in cloud architecture without opening the source up to vulnerabilities. They offer help and coaching services. The blog is a portal for IT security professionals to stay up on the latest information coming across the wire.

In closing, as an IT Security Professional, it is critical to stay informed

Staying updated with the latest cybersecurity news provides an edge over the competition. New threats emerge daily; stay current with these blogs.

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About the Author

Rebecca James is an IT consultant with forward thinking approach toward developing IT infrastructures of SMEs. She writes to engage with individuals and raise awareness of digital security, privacy, and better IT infrastructure.

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