Growing Cloud Networking Trend; What’s Your Business Strategy?

Last updated: January 23, 2024 Reading time: 3 minutes
Growing Cloud Networking Trend; What’s Your Business Strategy

The future of networking lies in the cloud, and for a fast-growing business, you need to switch to cloud-based services. As a business owner, you probably be aware of the immensely growing trend of cloud networking, but if you are not, here are some vital insights you might want to know.

And most important,

There are more cloud computing statistics which can excite you as a business owner. But the real question is; Are you ready to implement cloud networking?

The statistics highlighted above clearly indicate the network, which will largely depend on cloud-based services.

It is also worth noticing that all these transformations are gradual instead of being speedy. Here, you will get to know four important techniques to switch to cloud applications from conventional IT infrastructure effectively.

1- Evaluate the Present Infrastructure

The basic step is to carry out a thorough assessment of your present IT infrastructure. This helps you to figure out the unnecessary elements which should be ruled out promptly and the possibility of a cloud-based substitute.

You should Keep the cloud as the priority while replacing any element of your infrastructure. This will help you to gradually establish a complete cloud environment or the maximum for your organization.

You can get assessment help from the Comcast’s post which highlights various issues faced during the assessment. For instance, the storage and networking issues and even wiring.

2- Maintain Network Latency

When your applications are new to the cloud, and you move most infrastructure to it, there is a chance of performance issues. Therefore, you need to monitor the performance on the bases that an end user doesn’t face any hassle while accessing these resources.

You can understand the network behavior using the same Comcast Business Community post, which provides expert advice. Also, it offers usage of acceleration technologies, connecting to various colocation centers, and procedure of setting up network monitoring tools.

3- Prepare a Security Plan

Cloud computing is not a guarantee of data security and privacy. When migrating your infrastructure to the cloud, you need to make sure that there is a sound security plan in place. Many experts have highlighted the security and compliance issues due to cloud advancements. More importantly, you need to see that the cloud service you are selecting has what kind of physical and network security, management procedures, and many other things.

Make sure you are aware of the cloud provider’s security policies and that how they harmonize with your own. Also, it is necessary to restrict access to the cloud-based resources by developing an effective identity and access management plan. This is because uncontrolled and unauthorized user access could create many security issues.

4- Train for Culture Change

Most of the employers neglect the importance of staff training, which is a vital part of organizational growth especially when it comes to data security.

Organizations need to train and prepare the staff for IT infrastructure based on the cloud. As a business owner, you must create physical and psychological readiness among the staff members, as it is human nature to resist immense change.

In most cases, you don’t need to replace the employees or staff members. But some skill sets couldn’t be taught, and you need some professional IT workers for it.


With these approaches, businesses could effectively implement cloud technology for their infrastructure. Also, the organizations could not oversee this trend of cloud-based service as it could be prominent and dominant in next coming years. Businesses using the cloud will be more productive but should carefully migrate to the cloud to avoid hassles.

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About the Author

Zehra Ali is a Tech Reporter and Journalist. She has done her Masters in Mass Communication. Topics related to cybersecurity, IoT, AI, Big Data and other privacy matters are extensively covered by her on various platforms. You can follow her on twitter.

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