How to Safely Store Large Volumes of Data

Last updated: May 9, 2024 Reading time: 6 minutes
How to Safely Store Large Volumes of Data

For many large companies, the data storage issue is becoming more and more acute every day. Volumes are growing by leaps and bounds. Even what information companies collect and store is constantly changing; therefore, companies must quickly adapt to ever-changing circumstances. The positive is that technology also does not stand still. There are more and more of them every day, and the task of company leaders is to decide how and where to store the collected and systematized data.

Such an increase in the information collected is because companies are striving to start the digital transformation process effectively. This applies not only to large companies and organizations but also to medium and small companies. The data collected influences the quality of products and services companies will provide to their customers and satisfy their needs. Furthermore, it plays an essential role in the competitiveness of these organizations.

Businesses collect a considerable amount of data, requiring them to innovate in the technologies they use to store and quickly access it. Safety is also an important point.

Today, there are several options for technologies that allow companies to do their job well. We’ll cover how businesses large and small can store their data securely.

1. Cloud 


This is a relatively new solution that has captured the attention of many companies. This option implies that all data is stored in one place, on a server provided by the service provider. Companies do not need to think about finding a place for servers. They can simply access the information they need using tools such as an app, browser, or other software. The advantage is clear; IT leaders don’t have to worry about what media to use, how to secure access, handle data migration, or backup in an emergency.

Many companies are now using the latest innovations like vSAN, which involves splitting physical servers into virtual ones. This allows companies to stop depending on giant machines that can break down or fail.

The biggest benefit is the significant savings in time and money, which the company can put to better use on more essential needs. Costs are significantly reduced. You have to pay for what you use and nothing else. This solution gives you everything out of the box, and you no longer need to worry about how the installation will go or that you need to bother with regular updates. 

Do not forget the ease of access because you can get it anywhere. You just need an internet connection. Having a computer or laptop is unnecessary because you can access information with a smartphone in your hands.

The speed of your internet connection is essential. If there is no access to the network or the speed is low, then, naturally, you will not be able to work. This is the disadvantage of this solution.

2. On-premise servers

The popularity of such a solution is beginning to fade as companies prefer innovative solutions that offer more benefits. However, servers remain an essential part of many companies today, as they are not ready to put up with issues related to confidentiality and the speed of access to information.

You cannot choose this option without buying a license to use the software product without any problems. You can get a solution that you can later install on your server. Here comes the understanding that you will be engaged in its maintenance and other issues that only professionals in their field can deal with. That is why you will need a team of specialists who will be responsible for it. 

The obvious advantage of such a solution is that you are not limited in your actions. You make decisions, choose methods of integration with other systems, and also get the freedom to choose those versions that suit you best for specific purposes. 

The most significant disadvantage is the increase in financial costs. You have to buy equipment, install software, do maintenance, hire a team of professionals, and much more. It is for this reason that many companies refuse this solution. However, it all depends on each specific case. 

Large companies that are involved in the process of quickly updating huge amounts of data remain adherents of this solution. In addition, security and privacy play a decisive role since only you will control who will have access to the information. 

3. NAS 


The third option, which is no less popular, is network-attached storage. Its convenience lies in getting a ready-made box with everything you need: hard drives and control boards. It is free running, and you get software for full access control immediately. All you have to do is plug it in and start working. After that, you can start making settings using the supplied instruction manual. 

The main advantages of this solution are: 

  • Playback. It can be connected to modern devices; 
  • Gaining access. If you need to get or give access to data, then this can be done using any device connected to the network. It can be limited and narrowed down to the ability to open certain folders, if necessary; 
  • Possibility of remote access. As with the first solution, you can work with information from anywhere in the world, you have to connect to such a repository; 
  • Privacy and security. The ability to create backups is important for each organization. This can be configured automatically and all data will be securely protected. 

It is not without flaws. As with servers, the downside is the cost. It all depends on how big storage you need. The more you need, the more expensive it will be. Not every small or medium business will be able to make a one-time purchase right away. However, maintenance costs, compared to servers, are much less. 


With a certain level of accuracy, it is impossible to say which solution is right for you. It all depends on what goals you are pursuing and how much budget you can allocate. All options have advantages and disadvantages, so it’s worth carefully considering each option based on your needs before making a decision.

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About the Author

Waqas is a cybersecurity journalist and writer who has a knack for writing technology and online privacy-focused articles. He strives to help achieve a secure online environment and is skilled in writing topics related to cybersecurity, AI, DevOps, Cloud security, and a lot more. As seen in:, Nordic APIs,,, and VentureBeat.

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