Is Zoom Safe to Use In 2024?

Last updated: January 22, 2024 Reading time: 5 minutes

Zoom, a name we were all quite unaware of before this deadly Coronavirus pandemic hit our world and its civilization. The worldwide quarantine that people are going through is hitting the educational and career-oriented industries the most.

While companies are promoting work from home or reducing employee attendance, social distancing was becoming a significant obstruction for lectures, meetings, and seminars when Zoom zoomed in and saved the day (apparently).

 Zoom Video Communications Inc., created and launched in 2011, is an American communications technology brand that offers a cloud-based platform for webinars, videotelephony, online chat services, teleconferencing, telecommuting, and practicing distance education. It has gained so much popularity over the last quarter that it is #34 in the Alexa search ranks.

However, for the last fortnight, the number of Zoom users has significantly dropped due to allegations that point toward data theft and fraud. About thousands of users from over the globe have complained of issues with their cybersecurity.

 Many also suspected malware that corrupted and compromised the safety of their data. Thus, it is again on the headlines. The jury is still out on whether Zoom is a safe space for communication or is it another way for capitalist organizations to monitor, influence, and control us.