Is Zoom Safe to Use In 2024?

Last updated: May 18, 2024 Reading time: 5 minutes
Is Zoom Safe to Use

Zoom, a name we were all quite unaware of before this deadly Coronavirus pandemic hit our world and its civilization. The worldwide quarantine that people are going through is hitting the educational and career-oriented industries the most.

While companies are promoting work from home or reducing employee attendance, social distancing was becoming a significant obstruction for lectures, meetings, and seminars when Zoom zoomed in and saved the day (apparently).

 Zoom Video Communications Inc., created and launched in 2011, is an American communications technology brand that offers a cloud-based platform for webinars, videotelephony, online chat services, teleconferencing, telecommuting, and practicing distance education. It has gained so much popularity over the last quarter that it is #34 in the Alexa search ranks.

However, for the last fortnight, the number of Zoom users has significantly dropped due to allegations that point toward data theft and fraud. About thousands of users from over the globe have complained of issues with their cybersecurity.

 Many also suspected malware that corrupted and compromised the safety of their data. Thus, it is again on the headlines. The jury is still out on whether Zoom is a safe space for communication or is it another way for capitalist organizations to monitor, influence, and control us.

Why Zoom Gained Popularity During Lockdown

There are a lot of traditional and upcoming service providers that offer web conferencing and online video calling opportunities to their users. It is the next and to date the highest level of telecommunications possible. However, there are some specific features Zoom won over all other operators and applications like Skype, IMO, Google Hangouts, Cisco, Bluejeans, etc. 

  • Support System: The support system of Zoom is something the company always boasts about. There is exclusive phone support that is available through multiple time zones and in various languages. The website, as well as the application, is straightforward and convenient to operate. It is incredibly user-friendly and straightforward. 
  • Features: Zoom Video Communications Inc has a reputation for frequently updating its application and features. This means it always remains dynamic and has the most advanced features among all its competitors. 
  • Scheduling Meetings: One more reason Zoom gained immense popularity is that here, you can easily invite people and schedule meetings. You don’t have to worry about reminding anyone or passing on information. As a host, as well as a member, your account will keep track of your meetings and notify you well on time. 
  • Host Controls: The host of the meeting is the person who acts as admin and organizes the meetings and invites the members. They also can access a unique username and password for the particular meeting which they share with the invitees. The host can decide which members can speak and who can stay as listeners only. One can also create a co-host for a meeting; the controls are more than any other company offers. 

Admittedly the zoom app seems to have worked favors during the COVID-19 work-from-home crisis. However, the app comes associated with several disadvantages that are hard to look by, such as:

  • Security Concerns: In early April 2020, reputed Indian news channels like Hindustan Times and The Economic Times first reported the data security concerns attached to Zoom. This was after hundreds of people started using it all over the country to carry on webinars and online classes while maintaining social distancing. The hackers had used the corona crisis and the surge in internet usage that the lockdown brought to malign business meetings, try banking phishing, and even post offensive and obscene content to disrupt the business and goodwill of companies. 
  • Cyber Attacks: According to another news report website, Deccan Herald, over 600 thousand people have fallen victim to data theft, which was sold on the dark web. Various National Security Agencies from all across the globe have raised concerns and begun to investigate the matter. 
  • Fall of Goodwill and Decrease in Consumers: Due to multiple news agencies covering stories of data leaks via Zoom and Security Agencies investigating to find collaborators, many people today are not comfortable using this application. Thus the premium advantage of using Zoom to communicate with anybody and everybody is gone. 
  • Links with China: Not only did Zoom sell user information to an organization like Facebook, who, not before long, was questioned for data theft, but the conferencing app has also been discovered to have ties with Chinese servers that practiced geofencing techniques. 

Precautions and Preventive Measures

  • Update the App: The company is aware of the data leak and claiming to try its best to stop it. The newer versions are more secure and have extensive protocols to prevent data theft. Thus, updating your application regularly puts you in a safe position. 
  • Create a Waiting Room: Creating a waiting room means until the host doesn’t start the meeting, the people can’t talk within themselves. 
  • Invite Only and Locked Meeting: Invite-only meetings to make sure there are no unwanted guests who might try to hack the members’ accounts and devices. Locking a meeting after it starts prevents anyone else from joining. 
  • Use and Update Your Antivirus: The antivirus applications are mostly able to identify and remove threats to our devices. Thus they should be regularly updated. 

Final words 

During this COVID-19 health and socio-economic crisis worldwide, the security provided by Zoom has become a point of contention. Although, the company has noticed all crises and promised to induce essential and significant changes in their programming, implement new and advanced features, and make the calls end-to-end encrypted to ensure data safety. 

Another question is whether safety will prevail or scammers will find another loophole to exploit and steal personal data. As we all know, data is the most expensive and essential asset in today’s time, dodging oil and gold at their respective rates. And to our loss, even the CEO of Zoom, Eric Yuan, agreed to route calls via Chinese servers, which gave away and compromised our data security. 

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About the Author

Rebecca James is an IT consultant with forward thinking approach toward developing IT infrastructures of SMEs. She writes to engage with individuals and raise awareness of digital security, privacy, and better IT infrastructure.

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